How does it work?
You decide how much you can spend, and everything you would like to have done.
Once agreed upon, Houston Affordable Designs helps you get all your new products and design
ideas to you. We then start "smart shopping" to achieve the look & style you want.
Our packages include shipping, handling, taxes, assembly, and set up in the total package price.
Even returns and exchanges can be made so you are never stuck with a piece that isn't perfect.
Find out what makes us a good fit
Smart, Budget Conscious, and CreativeIf you are any combo of the above, you are for us (and we are for you). We like helping hard working Houstonian's achieve the look of their dreams for their home, condo, apartment, or townhouse. And it can be more affordable than you think.
Even if you only have a $4500 budget for an entire new dining room, including the need for the table and chairs themselves-- that's OK! Houston affordable designs maximizes your budget, by giving you amazing options you would never think you could afford otheriwse. Additionally, you don't get stuck with one design set. The process is all taken through you as much or as little as you need. Its interactive and personal. |
What is the process like?