Assistant Interior Decorator- Intern and part time position
Overview: Houston Affordable Designs is looking for a part time Interior Decorator to expand the sought after services provided by the business. It will involve assisting in current projects as a supporter, as well as taking on new projects as the lead once trained. The ability to put together a cohesive look, shop and track spending on a budget, calculate square footage estimates, and PowerPoint skills are necessary. Obtaining new leads for clients is not required, meeting with clients and winning business is a high priority. There is also potential to take this on as full time. Requirements:
Excellent presentation and communication skills
Organized and detailed planning
Can work in meet in daytime or evenings
Efficiency in Microsoft excel and PowerPoint
Ability to cleanly coordinate a design scheme
Some design or decorating experience
Product selection on a budget
Time management skills
Spanish speaking is a plus
Other Necessities:
Vehicle and ability to travel to client projects
Education: some college education is preferred, with interior design/décor, marketing, or finance as a plus (although many other fields of study will work). Pay: The first month (roughly 80 hours) will be training as an intern. Upon completion of training, the compensation will be profit sharing on client projects. Perks: very flexible schedule, and much of working from home once full time. Also has access to discounted pricing on household goods.